
POST api/pushWeChatnotifications/trackerWeChatnotify

13526 Api: Implement WeChat support

POST api/pushWeChatnotifications/register

13526 registration for WeChat

POST api/pushWeChatnotifications/deregister

13526 derigistration for WeChat


POST api/uoversight/reversegeocode

Reverse geocode (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/gettrackerstatus

Get tracker data points (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/GetTrackerStateList

Get tracker data points (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/gettraxx

Get tracker data points (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

GET api/uoversight/ExcelSensorChartDownload?globalDeviceId={globalDeviceId}&period={period}&tripId={tripId}&from={from}&thru={thru}&bgColor={bgColor}&pins={pins}&showAlertsAndEvents={showAlertsAndEvents}&requestedTempUnit={requestedTempUnit}&isNew={isNew}&tripState={tripState}&isMultiTrip={isMultiTrip}&previousTripEndDtm={previousTripEndDtm}&actualStartDtm={actualStartDtm}&actualEndDtm={actualEndDtm}&scheduledStartDtm={scheduledStartDtm}&scheduledEndDtm={scheduledEndDtm}&lastReportedDtm={lastReportedDtm}&modelNumber={modelNumber}&modelName={modelName}&isDefaultToLast14Days={isDefaultToLast14Days}&futureTripEndDtm={futureTripEndDtm}&isBD09={isBD09}

No documentation available.

GET api/uoversight/PDFSensorChartDownload?globalDeviceId={globalDeviceId}&period={period}&tripId={tripId}&from={from}&thru={thru}&bgColor={bgColor}&pins={pins}&showAlertsAndEvents={showAlertsAndEvents}&requestedTempUnit={requestedTempUnit}&isNew={isNew}&tripState={tripState}&isMultiTrip={isMultiTrip}&previousTripEndDtm={previousTripEndDtm}&actualStartDtm={actualStartDtm}&actualEndDtm={actualEndDtm}&scheduledStartDtm={scheduledStartDtm}&scheduledEndDtm={scheduledEndDtm}&lastReportedDtm={lastReportedDtm}&modelNumber={modelNumber}&modelName={modelName}&isDefaultToLast14Days={isDefaultToLast14Days}&futureTripEndDtm={futureTripEndDtm}&isBD09={isBD09}

Download Sensor Chard PDF (Authentication not required)

GET api/uoversight/{custId}/sensorrange

Get sensor ranges (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/setsensorrange

Set sensor range (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

GET api/uoversight/PDFDownload?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Downloads a PDF Sensor report for the serial number

GET api/uoversight/cacheTest?key={key}

No documentation available.

GET api/uoversight/testRedisConnection

No documentation available.

POST api/uoversight/timeline

Get Timeline (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/createshipment

Create shipment (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/createshipmentnew

Consolidated Create shipment V2

POST api/uoversight/GetShipment

Get shipment (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/getshipmentdata

Get sensor data (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/getshipmentalertsdata

Get shipment details alerts data (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/gettrackerhistory

Get sensor data (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/GetShipmentTempInformation

Get sensor data (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/getshipmentdatamkt

Get sensor data (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/getAlertStatus

Get Alert Status (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/getappversion

Get latest app version details and check for updates (Authentication not required)

POST api/uoversight/gettrackersensors

Get sensor data (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/GetRoute

Get sensor data (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/GetDistanceToTargets

Get distance to targets (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/gettimeperiods

Get distance to targets (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/getmultitrips

Get distance to targets (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/FormatLocalizedString

Format localized string (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

GET api/uoversight/timezone

Get time zone list (Authentication not required)

GET api/uoversight/gettripstartoption

No documentation available.

GET api/uoversight/gettripendoption

No documentation available.

POST api/uoversight/addressSearch

Address Search

POST api/uoversight/addressDetails

Address Details

GET api/uoversight/getimageids

Get Image ID details

POST api/uoversight/getimageids

Get Image ID details

POST api/uoversight/ExcelListViewDownload

No documentation available.

POST api/uoversight/getshipmenteta

Get Shipment ETA

POST api/uoversight/getNearestLocation

Get Nearest Locations

POST api/uoversight/GetBusinessRules

Get business rules

POST api/uoversight/getrawshipmentdata

Get Shipment Data "All" (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/uoversight/sharetracker

No documentation available.

POST api/uoversight/settrackernote

No documentation available.

POST api/UOversight?key={key}&configIsThrottling={configIsThrottling}&configExpiratoinMilliseconds={configExpiratoinMilliseconds}

Check if key is active in cache and add to cache if NOT


These API return localization data

GET api/localization/PreferredLocales

Get Preferred Locales (Authentication not required)

GET api/localization/XliffTranslation?subscription={subscription}&locale={locale}

Get XLF Translation (Authentication not required)

POST api/localization/XliffTranslation

Get localized string table (Authentication not required)


GET api/statementofaccuracy/getcalibrationstatement?serialNumbers={serialNumbers}

Get Calibration Statement Reports

POST api/statementofaccuracy/emailcalibrationstatement

No documentation available.


POST api/pushnotifications/register

No documentation available.

POST api/pushnotifications/deregister

No documentation available.

POST api/pushnotifications/isregistered

No documentation available.

GET api/pushnotifications/devicecount

No documentation available.

GET api/pushnotifications/deregisterall

No documentation available.

POST api/pushnotifications/notify

No documentation available.

POST api/pushnotifications/trackernotifyalert

No documentation available.


These API are for general Oversight functionality

GET api/oversight/getlinkedshippers

Get customer token ( HTTP headers with customer token must be set))

POST api/oversight/getshipmenteta

Get Shipment ETA (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

GET api/oversight/ExcelExportLocations?onlyCopiedLocations={onlyCopiedLocations}&locationIds={locationIds}

Export locations as excel

POST api/oversight/SendEmail

No documentation available.

GET api/oversight/getdomoembedtoken

No documentation available.

POST api/oversight/updatedashboardtrialsettings

Update Dashboard Trial Settings (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/updatedashboardpremiumsettings

Update Dashboard Premium Settings (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

GET api/oversight/getdomoaccesstoken

No documentation available.

GET api/oversight/loadSettingsToCache

No documentation available.

GET api/oversight/reloadsecondaryservercache/{type}/{updateSecondary}

No documentation available.

GET api/oversight/reloadsettingscache/{cacheType}/{CustomerId}/{updateSecondary}

No documentation available.

GET api/oversight/reloadcustomersettingscache/{CustomerId}/{updateSecondary}

No documentation available.

GET api/oversight/dashboard

No documentation available.

POST api/oversight/dashboard

No documentation available.

DELETE api/oversight/dashboard/{dashboardId}

No documentation available.

GET api/oversight/customerdashboard

No documentation available.

POST api/oversight/customerdashboard

No documentation available.

DELETE api/oversight/customerdashboard/{customerDashboardId}

No documentation available.

POST api/oversight/getrawshipmentdata

Get Shipment Data "All" (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/pushTag

No documentation available.

POST api/oversight/setotheralerts

No documentation available.

POST api/oversight/setshipmenttemplate

Set Shipment Template (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

DELETE api/oversight/setshipmenttemplate/{tripTemplateId}

Delete Shipment Template By ID

POST api/oversight/GetTrackerSensorChart?alertId={alertId}&globalDeviceId={globalDeviceId}&height={height}&width={width}&alertDtm={alertDtm}

No documentation available.

POST api/oversight/shutdowntracker

Shut down Tracker

POST api/oversight/setcontactnotification

Set Contact Notification Push Notifications Api integration

POST api/oversight/setalerttypes

Set Alert Types Push Notifications Api integration

POST api/oversight/setescalationlevels

Set Escalation Levels Push Notifications Api integration

POST api/oversight/getcontactnotification

Push Notifications Api integration -> Get Contact Notifications

DELETE api/oversight/deletecontact/{contactId}

Push Notifications Api integration -> Delete Contact

GET api/oversight/ClearAllPools

/GET Oversight Swap Connection Pool Clear Method

POST api/oversight/EncryptUser

/Encrypt User details by UserName

POST api/oversight/updatepassword

/update User password

POST api/oversight/sharetracker

No documentation available.

GET api/oversight/getByDeviceSerial?deviceSerial={deviceSerial}

No documentation available.

GET api/oversight/clearalluserscache/{updateSecondary}

No documentation available.

GET api/oversight/createediapikey?isTestDB={isTestDB}

No documentation available.

GET api/oversight/setusertocustomer?apiSubscriptionID={apiSubscriptionID}&user={user}&homePage={homePage}

No documentation available.

POST api/oversight/setusertocustomerfromadmin

Save the User Customer ffor Selected customer

POST api/oversight/deleteusercustomerfromadmin

Delete the user customer

POST api/oversight/getusercustomerfromadmin

Get the user customer

POST api/oversight/Login

Login. If successful, an authorization token (AccessToken) is returned. The token must be specified in the HTTP header of all other API requests. (Login HTTP headers must be set)

The Authorization HTTP header is required for all API except api/oversight/Login

HTTP header keyAuthorization
HTTP header valueBearerAuthorization token
Example valueBearer eyJhbGciOiJIUz...

POST api/oversight/LoginExternal

No documentation available.

POST api/oversight/AuthorizeExternal

Authorizes an external authentication request

GET api/oversight/RefreshToken

Refresh the authentication token (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

The Authorization HTTP header for the api/oversight/RefreshToken API

HTTP header keyAuthorization
HTTP header valueBasicRefresh token
Example valueBasic 2EDF4394-F209-4495-92B0-53DE23E16B99

Re-establishes a session to the Oversight web service. An access token is returned in the HTTP response.The access token is valid for 20 minutes and must be included in HTTP requests for any other API(set in the Authorization header, preceded with the prefix “Bearer ”). Note: A refresh token is also returned.The returned refresh token can be used to get a new access token after the current access token expires.The refresh token is valid for 90 days after last use.
Note: Use of the refresh token is completely optional. It is intended for consumers like web applications that want to support the Remember Me model. An alternative to calling Refresh Token when the access token expires is to call the Login API again.

POST api/oversight/GetTrackerStateList

Get Tracker Status (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/GetTrackerStatus

Get Tracker Status (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/timeline

Get Timeline (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/getAlertStatus

Get Alert Status (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/closealert

Close Alerts (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/gettrackertrip

Get tracker trips list (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/triptemplate

Get Trip Templates (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

GET api/oversight/triptemplate/{id}

Get trip template details (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/triptemplatedetails

Get Trip Templates (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/vehiclegroup

Get vehicle groups (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/sensorrange

Get sensor ranges (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/getlocation

Get locations (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/setlocation

Set location (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/findAddressByCoordinates

Find Address by coordinates (specify lat/lon in request)(HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/getNearestLocation

Get Nearest Locations (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/setsensorrange

Set sensor range (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/setvehiclegroup

Set vehicle group (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/GetUserSetting

Get sensor data (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/deleteusersetting

Set user sestting (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/setusersetting

Set user sestting (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/copydvshipmentcheck

No documentation available.

POST api/oversight/createshipment

Create shipment (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/createshipmentnew

Consolidated Create shipment V2 (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/updateshipment

Update shipment (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

GET api/oversight/testauthentication?customerAccess={customerAccess}

Test authentication (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

POST api/oversight/password

Change passwrd (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

POST api/oversight/changepassword

Change passwrd (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

GET api/oversight/cooldowntypes

Get cool down types (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

GET api/oversight/AlertLevels

Get alert escalation levels (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

POST api/oversight/GetAlertSuppressionStatus

Get alert suspend status (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/getalerttypes

Get alert types (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

GET api/oversight/tripstates

Get trip statues (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

POST api/oversight/gettimeperiods

Get time periods (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

POST api/oversight/getmultitrips

Get Mulit Trips (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

GET api/oversight/customer

Get customer list (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

POST api/oversight/GetTrackerSerialsList

Get tracker serial number list (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

GET api/oversight/GetTrackerSerialsListWithNoTrip

No documentation available.

POST api/oversight/GetTrackerSerialsListLookup

Get tracker serial number list (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

GET api/oversight/customer/{id}

Get customer token (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

GET api/oversight/getlinkedcustomers

Get customer token ( HTTP headers with customer token must be set))

GET api/oversight/color

Get color list (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

GET api/oversight/color/{id}

Get color (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

GET api/oversight/language

Get language list (Authentication not required)

GET api/oversight/country

Get country list (Authentication not required)

GET api/oversight/timezone

Get time zone list (Authentication not required)

POST api/oversight/reversegeocode

Reverse geocode (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/gettraxx

Get tracker data points (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/markbreadcrumb

Mark/Hide a Bread Crumb

POST api/oversight/GetBusinessRules

Get business rules (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/GetDistanceToTargets

Get distance to targets (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/GetRoute

Get route (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/GetShipment

Get shipment (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/GetTrackerStateReport

Get tracker state report (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/GetSensorData

Get sensor data (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/getshipmentdatamkt

Get sensor data (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/gettrackerhistory

Get sensor data (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/getshipmentdatainfo

Get Shipment/Tracker info (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/getshipmentdataextra

Get Shipment Data Sensors/Alerts/Events/History (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/getshipmentdata

Get Shipment Data "All" (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/getshipmentedit

Get Shipment Data "neccessary for edit" (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/GetShipmentTempInformation

Get sensor data (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/GetCarriers

Get carrier list (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/suspendalerts

Suspend alerts (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/GetAlertSuspendStatus

Get alert suspend status (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/deletependingtrip

Close trip (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/closetrip

Close trip (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/repairbreadcrumbs

Repair Rogue Breadcrumbs (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

GET api/oversight/TrackerStateReport?id={id}&pin={pin}&tagId={tagId}

Get Tracker State Report (Authentication not required)

POST api/oversight/SensorReportSchedule

Format localized string (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

GET api/oversight/PDFSensorChartDownload?globalDeviceId={globalDeviceId}&period={period}&tripId={tripId}&from={from}&thru={thru}&bgColor={bgColor}&pins={pins}&showAlertsAndEvents={showAlertsAndEvents}&requestedTempUnit={requestedTempUnit}&isNew={isNew}&tripState={tripState}&isMultiTrip={isMultiTrip}&previousTripEndDtm={previousTripEndDtm}&actualStartDtm={actualStartDtm}&actualEndDtm={actualEndDtm}&scheduledStartDtm={scheduledStartDtm}&scheduledEndDtm={scheduledEndDtm}&lastReportedDtm={lastReportedDtm}&modelNumber={modelNumber}&isDefaultToLast14Days={isDefaultToLast14Days}&modelName={modelName}&futureTripEndDtm={futureTripEndDtm}&isBD09={isBD09}

Download Sensor Chard PDF (Authentication not required)

POST api/oversight/FormatLocalizedString

Format localized string (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

POST api/oversight/GetSortOptions

Get sort options (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

POST api/oversight/ClearStringCache

Clear String Cache

GET api/oversight/userpreferences

Get User Preference data (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

GET api/oversight/GetObjectViews

Get Object Views (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/GetObjectViews

Get Object Views (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/GetObjectViewArgsList

Get Object View Args List (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/GetObjectViewTypes

Get Object View Types (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/pauseTracker

Pause Tracker (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/relaunchTracker

Relaunch Tracker (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/ForgotPassword

Forgot Password (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/ResetPassword

Reset Password (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

GET api/oversight/ExcelSensorChartDownload?globalDeviceId={globalDeviceId}&period={period}&tripId={tripId}&from={from}&thru={thru}&bgColor={bgColor}&pins={pins}&showAlertsAndEvents={showAlertsAndEvents}&requestedTempUnit={requestedTempUnit}&isNew={isNew}&tripState={tripState}&isMultiTrip={isMultiTrip}&previousTripEndDtm={previousTripEndDtm}&actualStartDtm={actualStartDtm}&actualEndDtm={actualEndDtm}&scheduledStartDtm={scheduledStartDtm}&scheduledEndDtm={scheduledEndDtm}&lastReportedDtm={lastReportedDtm}&modelNumber={modelNumber}&modelName={modelName}&isDefaultToLast14Days={isDefaultToLast14Days}&futureTripEndDtm={futureTripEndDtm}&hasDatesOutsideOfDefault={hasDatesOutsideOfDefault}&isBD09={isBD09}

No documentation available.

POST api/oversight/ExcelListViewDownload

No documentation available.

POST api/oversight/ImportLocations

No documentation available.

POST api/oversight/SaveLocations

No documentation available.

POST api/oversight/emailshipmentdetail

Email Sensor Report (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/addressSearch

Relaunch Tracker (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/addressDetails

Relaunch Tracker (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/getroutedeviations

Gets a summary level list of Route Deviations (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/getroutedeviation

Gets detailed route deviation details for a single shipment/trip (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/routedeviationexceptions

Gets detailed route deviation report for a single shipment/trip (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/getroutedeviationreport

Save Route (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/saveroute

Save Route (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/deleteroute

Save Route (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/getsavedroutes

Get Saved Route (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/gettrackersensors

Get Tracker Sensor Data (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/settripsensorrange

Set Trip Sensor Range (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/editshipment

Edit Shipment (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/settrackersensorrange

Set Tracker Sensor Range (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

GET api/oversight/contacts

Get Contacts list

POST api/oversight/schedulereport

Schedule Report

DELETE api/oversight/schedulereport/{scheduledReportId}

Delete Schedule Report By ID

GET api/oversight/getscheduledreports

Scheduled Report List

POST api/oversight/getlocationboundary

No documentation available.

POST api/oversight/settrackernote

Set Tracker Notes (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

GET api/oversight/gettripstops/{TripId}

Get Trip Stops (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/updatetripstops

Update Trip Stops (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/deletelocationgeofence

Delete Location Geofence(HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/savelocationgeofence

Save Location Geofence(HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/setcontact

Save Contact(HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/GetUserSettings

Get sensor data (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/getlocationcontact

Save Location Contact(HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/setlocationcontact

Save Location Contact(HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/deletlocationcontact

Delete Location Contact(HTTP headers with customer token must be set)

POST api/oversight/deletelocation

Delete Location

POST api/Oversight?serialNumber={serialNumber}&deviceId={deviceId}

Fetches previous trip for a given multi trip serial number If no previous trips are found then it will be null


These API are just for testing web service connectivity

GET api/Test

Test HTTP GET (Authentication not required)

POST api/Test

Test HTTP POST (Authentication not required)

PUT api/Test/{id}

Test HTTP PUT (Authentication not required)

DELETE api/Test/{id}

Test HTTP DELETE (Authentication not required)

GET api/Test/GetFile

Test HTTP Download File (Authentication not required)


GET api/firmware/download?type={type}&GD={GD}&R={R}&A={A}&V={V}

No documentation available.


POST api/oversighttest/Login

No documentation available.

POST api/oversighttest/CreatePullPushCustomer

No documentation available.

POST api/oversighttest/DropCustomer

No documentation available.

POST api/oversighttest/CreateShareWithShipments

No documentation available.

GET api/OversightEndTest?onlyCopiedLocations={onlyCopiedLocations}&locationIds={locationIds}

Export locations as excel

GET api/OversightEndTest?type={type}&updateSecondary={updateSecondary}

No documentation available.

GET api/OversightEndTest?cacheType={cacheType}&CustomerId={CustomerId}&updateSecondary={updateSecondary}

No documentation available.

GET api/OversightEndTest?CustomerId={CustomerId}&updateSecondary={updateSecondary}

No documentation available.

DELETE api/OversightEndTest?dashboardId={dashboardId}

No documentation available.

DELETE api/OversightEndTest?customerDashboardId={customerDashboardId}

No documentation available.

DELETE api/OversightEndTest?tripTemplateId={tripTemplateId}

Delete Shipment Template By ID

POST api/OversightEndTest?alertId={alertId}&globalDeviceId={globalDeviceId}&height={height}&width={width}&alertDtm={alertDtm}

No documentation available.

POST api/OversightEndTest?serialNumber={serialNumber}&deviceId={deviceId}

Fetches previous trip for a given multi trip serial number If no previous trips are found then it will be null

DELETE api/OversightEndTest?contactId={contactId}

Push Notifications Api integration -> Delete Contact

GET api/OversightEndTest?deviceSerial={deviceSerial}

No documentation available.

GET api/OversightEndTest?updateSecondary={updateSecondary}

No documentation available.

GET api/OversightEndTest?isTestDB={isTestDB}

No documentation available.

GET api/OversightEndTest?apiSubscriptionID={apiSubscriptionID}&user={user}&homePage={homePage}

No documentation available.

GET api/OversightEndTest?customerAccess={customerAccess}

Test authentication (HTTP headers (customer token not required) must be set)

GET api/OversightEndTest/{id}?pin={pin}&tagId={tagId}

Get Tracker State Report (Authentication not required)

GET api/OversightEndTest?globalDeviceId={globalDeviceId}&period={period}&tripId={tripId}&from={from}&thru={thru}&bgColor={bgColor}&pins={pins}&showAlertsAndEvents={showAlertsAndEvents}&requestedTempUnit={requestedTempUnit}&isNew={isNew}&tripState={tripState}&isMultiTrip={isMultiTrip}&previousTripEndDtm={previousTripEndDtm}&actualStartDtm={actualStartDtm}&actualEndDtm={actualEndDtm}&scheduledStartDtm={scheduledStartDtm}&scheduledEndDtm={scheduledEndDtm}&lastReportedDtm={lastReportedDtm}&modelNumber={modelNumber}&isDefaultToLast14Days={isDefaultToLast14Days}&modelName={modelName}&futureTripEndDtm={futureTripEndDtm}&isBD09={isBD09}

Download Sensor Chard PDF (Authentication not required)

GET api/OversightEndTest?globalDeviceId={globalDeviceId}&period={period}&tripId={tripId}&from={from}&thru={thru}&bgColor={bgColor}&pins={pins}&showAlertsAndEvents={showAlertsAndEvents}&requestedTempUnit={requestedTempUnit}&isNew={isNew}&tripState={tripState}&isMultiTrip={isMultiTrip}&previousTripEndDtm={previousTripEndDtm}&actualStartDtm={actualStartDtm}&actualEndDtm={actualEndDtm}&scheduledStartDtm={scheduledStartDtm}&scheduledEndDtm={scheduledEndDtm}&lastReportedDtm={lastReportedDtm}&modelNumber={modelNumber}&modelName={modelName}&isDefaultToLast14Days={isDefaultToLast14Days}&futureTripEndDtm={futureTripEndDtm}&hasDatesOutsideOfDefault={hasDatesOutsideOfDefault}&isBD09={isBD09}

No documentation available.

DELETE api/OversightEndTest?scheduledReportId={scheduledReportId}

Delete Schedule Report By ID

GET api/OversightEndTest?TripId={TripId}

Get Trip Stops (HTTP headers with customer token must be set)


These are the currently defined Logger API
Note: Every API can be called in Demo Mode by setting the "X-LT-ApiKey" HTTP header to "E4702B5F-64F1-401E-BA94-8AE678013F5D"

POST api/logger/login


PUT api/logger/{id}

Set/Update Logger Properties (Authentication required)

GET api/logger/summary/{id}

Get Logger Summary Report (Authentication required)

GET api/logger/TemperatureChart/{id}?from={from}&thru={thru}&demo={demo}

Download Chart .PNG (Authentication not required)

e.g. https://loggerapi.locustraxx.com/api/logger/TemperatureChart/A1B1C1D1


POST api/TrainingCenter/GetContentTypes

No documentation available.

POST api/TrainingCenter/GetCategories

No documentation available.

POST api/TrainingCenter/GetContentItems

No documentation available.

POST api/TrainingCenter/SearchContentItems

No documentation available.